Grief in the Buffyverse (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)

Grief in the Buffyverse asks how grief affects the characters we love in Buffy the Vampire Slayer from Season 1 on. With Tyffany D. Neiheiser, Author of Not Dead Enough. Topics include: 

Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast Cover(1) what motivates Buffy’s choice to face death (and the Master) in Season 1; (2) what Willow needs from her friends when facing loss; (3) why Buffy withdraws and tries to go it alone; and (4) how the need to deal with their grief affects the Potentials, Willow, and Xander in S7 Empty Places.

Last Episode: The Killer in Me

Next Episode: First Date

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About Lisa M. Lilly

In addition to hosting the Buffy and the Art of Story podcast, Lisa M. Lilly is the author of the bestselling four-book Awakening supernatural thriller series as well as numerous short stories. She is currently writing the latest novel in her Q.C. Davis mysteries. Her non-fiction includes books on writing craft under L. M. Lilly. She also founded

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