In Beneath You (S7 E2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), a giant worm demon terrorizes Sunnydale and Buffy learns Spike’s secret. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) how well “from beneath you it devours” works in this episode; (2) the oddness of Spike with a soul; (3) repetitive exposition that slows the pace; and (4) well-constructed exposition that adds fun.
Last Episode: Lessons
Next Episode: Same Time Same Place
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
All The Way S6 E6 (Buffy and the Art of Story)
In All The Way (S6 E6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Dawn ducks out of Xander’s and Anya’s engagement party on Halloween and puts herself in peril. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) who the protagonist is – Dawn, Buffy, someone else? (2) which is the main plot: Tara/Willow, Xander/Anya, Dawn's adventure, Buffy's struggles? (3) are all these story lines subplots, partial season arcs, or both? (4) when misdirection and subverting expectations works best; and (5) how not ...
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Life Serial S6 E5
In Life Serial (Season 6 Episode 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Buffy tries to figure out what to do with her life and gets stuck in a magical loop. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
when stretching or breaking the characters undermines the plot
why internal logic matters for spells and the story
in character vs. out of character humor
the effect of magic without consequences
Last Episode: Flooded S6 E4
Next Up: All The Way S6 E6
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The Gift S5 E22 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)
In The Gift (S5 E22 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Buffy faces off with Glory for the last time and Dawn’s life—and the fate of the world—hang in the balance. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) call backs that make The Gift a satisfying finale; (2) multiple series themes woven into Buffy’s struggle to save Dawn and the world; (3) exposition, conflict, and foreshadowing that fit the story and don’t slow the pace; (4) an unexpected climax that’s not between Glory and Buff...
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The Weight Of The World S5 E21 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)
In The Weight Of The World (S5 E21 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Willow uses magic to reach a catatonic Buffy while the gang hunts for Dawn, who’s been captured by Glory. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) conflict between Buffy’s friends that brings the audience up to speed; (2) a powerful main plot entirely in Buffy’s mind; (3) Glory and Dawn show what works best - showing or telling exposition, emotion, and character; and (4) it’s all about guilt - Ben’s, Glory’...
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Crush S5 E14 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)
In Crush (Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 E14), Buffy rejects Spike and Drusilla returns to Sunnydale set on bringing him back to his old self. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) how his actions reveal a Spike vs. Spike subplot and his character growth; (2) why the story structure works well despite fluid, subtle major plot turns; (3) what keeps the pace fast though much of Crush focuses on overall Season 5 arcs; and (4) a podcast patron who dives into Buffy’s and Spike’s ...
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Blood Ties S5 E13 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)
In Blood Ties (Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 E13), Dawn learns the truth about her origins, no one keeps Spike in the loop, and Buffy faces Glory. Along with the breakdown of Blood Ties, this podcast episode focuses on:
(1) how Blood Ties tells a fast, gripping story despite that Buffy and Glory don’t face off until the end; (2) the way Dawn’s arc deftly weaves subplot points and turns into the main plot; (3) story questions that keep viewers tuning in even after reveals about Dawn and Glory; ...
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